Highlights from the field
Together, we are resilient.
2020 was a difficult year—one that reminded us that the ties that bind us as an MVP community are both strong and essential.
Beginning last summer, MVP field staff made daily COVID-19 survey calls to Veterans. These interactions became even more meaningful, as MVP staff and Veterans forged personal connections.
Ryan Yamada, RA, Honolulu brought birthday cheer to a fellow Veteran“
The Veteran hadn’t heard from anybody in months, and he just had a birthday. He said he didn’t have the contact with others he had before the COVID lockdown. Just by chance, my family came home from running errands and we sang Happy Birthday to him. He was pretty thrilled by the gesture.”
Vanessa Forro, RC, Portland reached out to Veteran in a time of need
“I reached an MVP partner who lived in a community impacted by the Sept 2020 Pacific Northwest fires and inquired if he and his family were safe. Unfortunately, he had lost his home and almost everything he owned. He appreciated my call, and he has gotten in touch to let me know that he is doing well and to thank MVP staff for our concern and generosity."
Doris Jenkins, RC, West LA VA helped a hospitalized Veteran find strength
“The Veteran said, ‘Boy am I glad to hear from you. I am in the hospital with COVID and I’m scared.’
I was so surprised to hear the Veteran answering the phone from the ICU,” Jenkins said. “We spent a good 10 minutes talking and I reassured the Veteran, told them to rest, and said I’d get in touch another time. The Veteran said ‘Make sure you do. I’ll be happy to help any way I can.’”
Zachary Marciano, RC, Northampton was inspired by Veteran’s work to help others
“What began as a routine call shifted into a conversation with a Veteran partner that transcended surface interactions. The Veteran told me that they had been aiding fellow Veterans who had become anxiety ridden and who struggled with the isolation caused by COVID-19 quarantine. I learn a great deal every day from interacting with Veterans, but on this occasion- I felt, I heard, and I admired this Veteran’s compassion for the well-being of their fellow Veterans.”
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